Hi, my name is Pete Wigginton. Since 2013 I’ve personally and successfully treated more than 6,000 cases of head lice. My knowledge is based on MY real life experiences. It’s safe to say that I’ve seen it all!

If you’re reading or watching this video you’re likely struggling with head lice and are well aware that the internet is loaded with misinformation, myths, fear mongering and ineffective products.
There’s good news. It’s Just Lice!
I’ve created this new series of videos where you can “Ask The Expert”. Send me your questions and I will provide a prompt, honest answer. Even better, maybe your question will appear in my next video!
Be sure to join our support group, It’s Just Lice – Ask The Expert, on Facebook, where I will answer all your questions and keep you up-to-date with my latest videos.
You can also check out some of our other posts.