Lice Happens To The Best Of Us
If you are reading this, chances are you didn’t stumble upon a head lice treatment service by accident. I’m assuming you’ve received the call that your child has… LICE!!! Or if you are like my friend, her child got lice shortly after he was diagnosed with the flu! Talk about a double whammy!
It was about 10:00 p.m. when her child rolled over in HER bed and said “Mom, my head itches!” The phone call I received was her screaming on the other end for help.
Take A Deep Breath
The advice that I gave her and I would also give to you, is take a deep breath, relax and realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
If I’m being honest, although it probably doesn’t seem like it to you, it’s a very short tunnel from beginning to end. And the best part is, I can help you safely and effectively remove lice from your loved ones hair.
Don’t Be Embarrassed About Lice
You should not be embarrassed if your child does get head lice. Although reliable data is hard to track, it is estimated that about 6 to 12 million people will become infested with head lice per year.
Typically these children range from age 3-11 however it is still very likely for adults to become infested as well. Elementary aged girls are more likely to get head lice due to them generally having longer hair.
Lice Holds No Socioeconomic Status
I always tell my clients that you did not get lice due to your personal environment. Head lice don’t even care if you have a clean house. Lice holds no socioeconomic status.
Your child did not do anything wrong. It is not anyone’s fault. Your child was merely being a child and playing with a friend.
Head lice is primarily transferred from another person via head-to-head contact. Many people believe they get lice from “somewhere”. That is not the case, head lice is transferred from “someone”.
Friends, the truth is that if you’ve found yourself here, you are in the right place and we can help. Check our our head lice treatment kit that includes everything we personally use.
Have a great day!
-Pete, The Lice Guy!