Head Lice Free Schools

A PERFECT Partnership between PETE THE LICE GUY, School Nurses, Educators and Staff

So you found Head Lice on a student? Parents cannot get off work? We have the solution for you!

Let Pete the Lice Guy help your students stay in the classroom, where they should be enjoying all that school has to offer, and help stop a Head Lice infestation in your building!

Having successfully treated over 10,000 cases with a 99% accuracy rate, Pete the Lice Guy can help in any situation!!!

We provide education to your staff on how to do a proper head check, how to treat Head Lice using an effective treatment option and so much more!

Staff Training

Pete will come out to your school and train nurses, educators, and faculty on how to quickly identify Head Lice and stop it from spreading.

Educational Resources

Pete and his team will provide your school and parents with educational resources to prevent a Head Lice infestation from happening in your building.

A Simple Approach


Invite Pete out to your school to train nurses and educators on Head Lice!


Get One FREE visits to your school to treat a child with Head Lice!


Purchase SIMPLICETY AT HOME Head Lice Kits to effectively treat Head Lice!

These Schools Know Pete